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The SCCHE Choir Vision

CONCERT & CHAMBER CHOIRS - led by Charlie Kinnison [email protected]

  • Inspire choir members to share a love of music for the Glory of God, promote the Gospel of Jesus Christ, and to bless others at all times and in all our interactions

  • Cultivate choir members’ passion for the beauty and diversity of music as part of God’s creation

  • Challenge choir members to “find their voice” through showcasing and growing their musical talents via performance opportunities

  • Foster in choir members a deep appreciation for how beautiful music ministers to the individual and impacts the culture as a whole

  • Promote close friendships and unity among choir members who strive together to share their passion for music with one voice


CANTANDO CHOIR - Grades 3rd - 6th - led by Melody Dotson

"Come let us sing with joy to the Lord; Let us shout aloud to the rock of our Salvation"
In Cantando Choir it is our goal to...
  • Inspire choir members to share a love of music for the Glory of God, promote the Gospel of Jesus Christ, and to bless others at all times and in all our interactions

  • Cultivate choir members’ passion for the beauty and diversity of music as part of God’s creation

  • Challenge choir members to “find their voice” through showcasing and growing their musical talents via performance opportunities

  • Foster in choir members a deep appreciation for how beautiful music ministers to the individual and impacts the culture as a whole

  • Promote close friendships and unity among choir members who strive together to share their passion for music with one voice

Cantando Choir is an ensemble of 3rd through 6th grade students. We will be having our rehearsals from 3:30-4:30 on Wednesday afternoons at Liberty Church. We have several concerts throughout the year that will be announced as dates are approved. For these performances, students will need to purchase one of our Cantando Choir uniforms. Students will be able to use this uniform throughout the duration of their time in the Cantando ensemble. 
The Cantando Choir is led by Melody Dotson. Melody has always felt called to share her love of music with students. She received her Bachelors of music education from Southwest Baptist University and has since taught music in the Rockwood School District. This included leading a before-school choir, teaching Kindergarten through 5th grade music, and directing many grade level performances. As a former homeschool student Melody feels so honored to be joining the SCCHE team as an educator. Melody and her husband, Bryan are expecting their first child in the fall and are so thankful and excited for the opportunities that the homeschool community provides. 
Melody is eagerly awaiting meeting your students and beginning the Cantando Choir in the fall semester! If you have any questions about Cantando please feel free to email Melody at [email protected].