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ACT Prep Summer Camp - Non SCCHE Family

indicates a required answer

Instructor: Dr. Helmick

Date: June 9 - 12, 2025

Time: 8-11 AM

Cost: $25/day or $75 for all 4 days (*plus registration fee. See prices below)

Location: Liberty Church 709 Crestview Dr. O'Fallon, MO 63366

Note: Students who have previously taken the ACT Prep class at the Learning Center, can enroll at the summer camp at a reduced cost ($10/day or $30 for all 4 days).


Mon, June 9 - English Focus

Tues, June 10 - Reading Focus

Wed, June 11 - Science Focus

Thurs, June 12 - Math Focus

Whether you need help with one or two areas of the ACT or the whole test, this summer camp can help hone your skills right before the June 14th test. Upon registration in the camp, a pretest for any subject registered for will be emailed that is to be completed and returned to Dr. Helmick by June 2. If you have not already registered for the June 14th ACT test, registration must be completed by May 9th. 


1. *

Student First Name:

2. *

Student Last Name:

3. *

Student Age: 

4. *

Student Grade:

5. *

Email Address: 

6. *

Please select the day(s) attending:

 (1 required)
Monday, June 9 - English Focus Tuesday, June 10 - Reading Focus
Wednesday, June 11 - Science Focus Thursday, June 12 - Math Focus


Cost of class(es) are as follows:

$10 Registration Fee 

$25 per class or $75 for all four

Students who have previously taken ACT Prep at the Learning Center

$10 per class or $30 for all four

Please select the appropriate payment for your selection.  Your registration is not complete until full payment is made.  You will be directed to online payment upon completion of this form.  If you require alternate method of payment, contact [email protected].